59030 eb i-224 .pdf

(Ann) #1

Yoga. Following the path of Yoga requires effort to understand the prin-
ciples of Yoga, combined with practice of the eight components of Yoga.
The Yoga-bha ̄Ósyasays that practice of the limbs of Yoga destroys unreal
cognition and leads to discriminative knowledge [YBh 1.28]. Discrimina-
tive knowledge, which distinguishes between materiality and Self-nature
as consciousness, is essential for liberation. Discriminative knowledge is
a higher form of knowledge than ordinary discursive knowledge. Culti-
vation of knowledge—by means of self-education such as study of reli-
gious and philosophical texts, and the higher knowledge available
through meditation—is among Yoga’s accessories to attainment of liber-
ation. Like the Indian traditions in general, Yoga considers higher knowl-
edge as the key to liberation, but unique in Yoga is the role it accords the
body in the process of attaining it.

84 religious therapeutics

Branches of Religious Therapeutics
Based on Classical Yoga’s Eight Limbs

Metaphysical and Epistemic Foundations
Yoga’s therapeutic paradigm

Soteriology (theory of salvation/ liberation)
Self-realization by healing the afflictions (kle ́sas)

Value Theory and Ethics
Health and the Good
First limb—Moral self-restraints: Yama
Second limb—Moral commitments: Niyama

Physical Practice
The soteriological role of body and health
Third limb—Postures: Åsana
Fourth limb—Regulation of vital energy through breath: Pra ̄Ónay ̄ ama ̄
Fifth limb—Withdrawal of the senses: Praty ̄ah ̄ara

Cultivation of Consciousness
The polarity of sam ̄adhi and vyadhi (illness) ̄
Sixth limb—Concentration: Dhyana ̄
Seventh limb—Meditation: Dh ̄araÓna ̄
Eighth limb—Meditative trance: Sam ̄adhi

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