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(Ann) #1

result of the regular practice of asana ̄ is a more acute awareness of one’s
body and its functioning. Daily ̄asanaprovides an opportunity to take ac-
count of physical strengths and weaknesses, flexibility, and areas of im-
peded energy. Throughout the day, one may spontaneously notice her pos-
ture and circulation, and adjust the body to a closer approximation of the
excellent posture and circulation promoted during the actual performance
of ̄asana. Circulation refers not just to physical substances such as blood,
oxygen, lymph, and chyle, but to pra ̄Óna, the vital energy of the cosmos and
the living organism. Åsana“clears the nervous system, causes the energy
to flow in the system without obstruction and ensures an even distribution
of that energy during pra ̄Ónay ̄ ama ̄ .”^47 The practice of Yoga is engaged not
only while one does ̄asana, pr ̄aÓn ̄ay ̄ama, and meditation, but is a constant
commitment. Åsanaserves to refine one’s physical nature to be increas-
ingly attuned with the subtle pr ̄aÓnic force in oneself, which may be likened
to a current within the great ocean of conscious energy that is puruÓsa.
The soteriological role of the body in Yoga is evident in asana’s ̄
power as a means for one to appropriate and integrate the conditions of
his physical being. This is consonant with Deutsch’s presentation of the
body as an ‘achievement concept,’ and personhood as a matter of inte-
gration and achievement.^48 In Yoga, the selfhood that the s ̄adhakaseeks
to achieve is not that of self as embodied person, but of that of one’s true
nature as consciousness. Åsanahelps the physical body to reveal and
awaken the power of consciousness that infuses the material body, thus
potentiating the discrimination of puruÓsafrom prakÓrti.
In addition to its soteriological efficacy, asana ̄ has physically thera-
peutic applications. Åyurvedic physician Vasant Lad has shown that
Yoga has value for both prevention and cure of illness:

Yoga brings man to the natural state of tranquility which is equilibrium.
Thus, yogic exercises have both preventive and curative value. Yogic
practices help to bring natural order and balance to the neuro-hormones
and the metabolism and thus provide fortification against stress. Yogic
practices for the treatment of stress and stress-related disorders (such as
hypertension, diabetes, asthma and obesity) are remarkably effective.^49

Lad lists appropriate asana ̄ s for various ailments,^50 as does Iyengar in
Light on Yoga.^51 An article on asana ̄ in the journal Brahmavadindiscusses
the importance of health for the achievement of spiritual aspirations and
identifies the joint medical and soteriological function of asana: ̄

The aim of the healing art is twofold inasmuch as it renders the body
impenetrable to disease from the outside and at the same time it does

116 religious therapeutics

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