- Swami Vivekananda, Complete Works, 8 vols. (Calcutta: Advaita Ash-
rama, 1847, 1986) 1:137–39. - Iyengar, Light on the Yoga Sutras ̄ , 150.
- Eliot Deutsch, Creative Being: The Crafting of Person and World(Hon-
olulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1992) 58–69. - Vasant Lad, Åyurveda, The Science of Self-Healing(Santa Fe, NM: Lotus
Press, 1985) 113. - Lad, Åyurveda, The Science of Self-Healing, 115–25.
- B. K. S. Iyengar, Light on Yoga(New York: Schocken, 1978) 288–306.
52.“Åsanaor Posture,” Brahmavadin(1984) 2:250. - Book Two of the HaÓtha Yoga Prad ̄ıpika ̄gives instructions for pr ̄aÓn ̄ayama ̄ ,
and Book Three describes the mudras ̄ or ‘seals,’ techniques for harnessing and
utilizing pr ̄aÓna.Book Four treats sam ̄adhi, showing that HaÓtha Yoga, like classi-
cal Yoga, aims for liberation, though HaÓtha is more oriented to body and health. - Swami Vivekananda, “R ̄aja-Yoga” in Complete Works, 1:267.
- Vivekananda, Complete Works, 1:147.
- Vivekananda, Complete Works, 1:148.
- Vivekananda, Complete Works, 1:149–51.
58.OED, 16:251, s. v. ‘spirit.’ - Vivekananda, Complete Works, 1:143–44.
- Hirendra Nath Sinha, “Pr ̄aÓn ̄ay ̄ama,” Brahmavadin(1984) 2:299.
- Iyengar, Light on the Yoga Sutras ̄ , 152.
- T. V. K. Desikachar, Religiousness in Yoga, Lectures in Theory and Prac-
tice, ed. Mary Louise Skelton and John Ross Carter (Washington, D. C.: Univer-
sity Press of America, 1980) 163–72. - I. K. Taimni, The Science of Yoga, 261.
- Desikachar, Religiousness in Yoga, 135–36.
- See also Baba Hari Dass, Ashtanga Yoga Primer(Santa Cruz, CA: Sri
Rama Publishing, 1981) 8–9. - Desikachar, Religiousness in Yoga, 139–43.
- Sinha,”Pr ̄aÓn ̄ay ̄ama,” Brahmavadin(1984) 2:294.
- Eliade, Yoga, Immortality and Freedom, 58.
- Desikachar, Religiousness in Yoga, 152.
- Sinha, “Praty ̄ah ̄ara or the Gathering of the Senses,” Brahmavadin(1984)
2:357. - Eliade, Yoga, Immortality and Freedom, 98–99, 124.
- Eliade, Yoga, Immortality and Freedom, 70.
- Iyengar, Tree of Yoga, 8, 65.
- Eliade, Yoga, Immortality and Freedom, 77.
- Iyengar, Tree of Yoga, 8–9.
- Sinha, “Dhy ̄ana or Meditation,” Brahmavadin2:373.
- Sinha, “Dhy ̄ana or Meditation,” Brahmavadin2:368.
- Eliade, Yoga, Immortality and Freedom, 72–73.
- Eliade, Yoga, Immortality and Freedom, 78.
- Iyengar, Light on the Yoga-S ̄utras, 170.
- Eliade, Yoga, Immortality and Freedom, 80, 82.
82.OED, 18:382 s. v. ‘trance.’
notes to chapter three 185