This section introduces CFs related to the small intestine and colon. Key suffixes are defined in
the right-hand column as needed. Review the following table, and pronounce each word in the
word analysis column aloud before you begin to work the frames.
Word Element Meaning Word Analysis
Combining Forms
Small Intestine
duoden/o duodenum (first duoden/o/scopy (dū-ŏd-ĕ-NŎS-kō-pē): visual examination of the duodenum
part of the small -scopy: visual examination
enter/o intestine enter/o/pathy (ĕn-tĕr-ŎP-ă-thē): any intestinal disease
(usually the -pathy: disease
small intestine)
jejun/o jejunum (second jejun/o/rrhaphy (jĕ-joo-NOR-ă-fē): suture of the jejunum
part of the small -rrhaphy: suture
ile/o ileum (third ile/o/stomy (ĭl-ē-ŎS-tō-mē): incision of the ileum (ileotomy) and creation of a
part of the permanent opening
small intestine) -stomy*: forming an opening (mouth)
Ileostomy is performed following a total colectomy. The ileum is pulled out through the
abdominal wall. The edges of the wall of the colon are rolled to make a mouth (stoma)
that is then sutured to the abdominal wall. The patient wears a plastic pouch on the
abdomen to collect feces.
Large Intestine
append/o appendix append/ectomy (ăp-ĕn-DĔK-tō-mē): removal of the appendix
-ectomy: excision, removal
Appendectomy is performed to remove a diseased appendix that is in danger of rupturing.
appendic/o appendic/itis (ă-pĕn-dĭ-SĪ-tĭs): inflammation of the appendix
-itis: inflammation
col/o colon col/o/stomy (kō-LŎS-tō-mē): creation of an opening between the colon and the
abdominal wall
-stomy*: forming an opening (mouth)
A colostomy creates a place for fecal matter to exit the body other than through the
anus. It may be temporary or permanent.
colon/o colon/o/scopy (kō-lŏn-ŎS-kō-pē): visual examination of the inner surface of the
colon using a long, flexible endoscope
-scopy: visual examination
proct/o anus, rectum proct/o/logist (prŏk-TŎL-ō-jĭst): physician who specializes in treating disorders
of the colon, rectum, and anus
-logist: specialist in the study of
rect/o rectum rect/o/cele (RĔK-tō-sēl): herniation or protrusion of the rectum; also called proctocele
-cele: hernia, swelling
sigmoid/o sigmoid colon sigmoid/o/tomy (sĭg-moyd-ŎT-ō-mē): incision of the sigmoid colon
-tomy: incision
Pronunciation Help Long sound a ̄in ra ̄te e ̄in re ̄birth ı ̄in ı ̄sle o ̄in o ̄ver u ̄in u ̄nite
Short sound a ̆in a ̆lone e ̆in e ̆ver ̆ıin ı ̆t o ̆in no ̆t u ̆in cu ̆t
*When the suffix -stomyis used with a combining form that denotes an organ, it refers to a surgical opening to the outside of the body.
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