Medical Terminology Simplified

(Grace) #1
1–68 Whenever a prefix stands alone, it is identified with a hyphen after it, as in
hyper-.When it is part of a word, the prefix is not highlighted, but a slash separates it
from the next element, as in hyper/tension.
Analyze hyper/insulin/ism by identifying the elements.
hyper-is a ____________________.
insulinis a __________.
-ismis a ____________________.

1–69 Hypo-, intra-, super-,and homo-are examples of word elements called

1–70 Pre/operative designates the time before a surgery. By changing the prefix,
you alter the meaning of the word. Build a word that designates the time after
surgery. __________ / ____________________.
Can you remember what post-in post/operativemeans? _______________

1–71 You will recognize many prefixes in medical terms because they are the
same ones found in the English language. In the term post/mortem,the prefix is
__________ and means _______________.
Post/mortemmeans _______________ death.

1–72 In the term pre/mature, the prefix is __________ and means ___________.
Pre/maturemeans _______________ maturity.

Defining Medical Words

When defining a medical word, first define the suffix. Second, define the beginning of the word; finally, define the
middle of the word. Here is an example using the term osteoarthritis.

(2) (3) (1)

  1. Define the suffix first: -itismeans inflammation.

  2. Define the beginning of the word: oste/omeans bone.

  3. Define the middle of the word: arthrmeans joint.
    Therefore, oste/o/arthr/itisis an inflammation of the bone and joint.

1–73 The element that is defined first is the ____________________.
The element that is defined next is the ____________________ of the word.
The middle or rest of the word is defined ______________.

14 CHAPTER 1• Introduction to Programmed Learning and Medical Word Building






post-, after


pre-, before





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