Medical Terminology Simplified

(Grace) #1


Practice pronunciation of medical terms by reading the following medical report aloud.

Bilateral Vasectomy

Patient was placed on the table in supine position and prepped, scrotum shaved, and draped in the usual fashion. The
right testicle was grasped and brought to skin level. This area was injected with 1% Xylocaine anesthesia. After a few
minutes, a small incision was made, and the right vas was located. A hemostat was used and clamped on the right and
left vas. A segment of the right vas was removed, and both ends were cauterized and tied independently with 3-0 silk
suture. The skin was closed with 2-0 chromic suture. The same procedure was performed on the left side. The hemostats
were removed. There were no complications or bleeding. Patient was discharged to home in care of his wife. Postop-
erative care instruction sheet was given along with prescription of Darvocet-N 100 mg, 1 q4h as required for pain.
Patient will be seen for follow-up semen analysis in 6 weeks.


Review the medical record to answer the following questions. Use a medical dictionary such as Taber’s Cyclopedic
Medical Dictionaryand other resources if needed.

  1. What is the end result of a bilateral vasectomy?

  2. Was the patient awake during the surgery? What type of anesthesia was used?

  3. What was used to prevent bleeding?

  4. What type of suture material was used to close the incision?

  5. What was the patient given for pain relief at home?

  6. Why is it important for the patient to go for a follow-up visit?

384 CHAPTER 8• Reproductive Systems

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