Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to:
- Describe the type of medical treatment orthopedists, osteopathic physicians, and chiropractors
provide. - Identify skeletal structures by labeling them on anatomical illustrations.
- Describe the primary functions of the musculoskeletal system.
- Describe diseases, conditions, and procedures related to the musculoskeletal system.
- Apply your word-building skills by constructing medical terms related to the musculoskeletal
system. - Describe common abbreviations and symbols related to the musculoskeletal system.
- Recognize, define, pronounce, and spell terms correctly.
- Demonstrate your knowledge of this chapter by successfully completing the frames, reviews,
and medical report evaluations.
Orthopedicsis the branch of medicine concerned with prevention, diagnosis, care, and treatment of musculoskeletal
disorders. These disorders include injury to or disease of the body’s bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, and tendons.
Orthopedistsare surgeons who specialize in orthopedics. They employ medical, physical, and surgical methods to
restore function that is lost as a result of injury or disease to the musculoskeletal system. Orthopedists coordinate
their treatments with other health-care providers, such as physical therapists, occupational therapists, and sports
medicine physicians. In addition to the orthopedist who treats bone and joint diseases, the rheumatologist(also a
medical doctor) specializes in treatment of arthritis and other diseases of joints, muscles, and bones.
The osteopathic physician (DO)may also provide medical treatment for musculoskeletal disorders. The osteopathic
philosophy maintains that good health requires a holistic approach that includes proper alignment of bones, muscles,
ligaments, and nerves. Like a medical doctor (MD), osteopathic physicians provide state-of-the-art methods of medical
treatment, including prescribing drugs and performing surgeries, and may specialize in such areas as orthopedics,
cardiology, and pulmonology.