Medical Terminology Simplified

(Grace) #1

456 CHAPTER 10• Musculoskeletal System

Word Element Meaning Word Analysis
-algia pain my/algia(mī-ĂL-jē-ă): pain or tenderness in muscles
my: muscle
-asthenia weakness, my/asthenia(mī-ăs-THĒ-nē-ă): weakness of muscle (and abnormal fatigue)
debility my: muscle
-pathy disease my/o/pathy(mī-ŎP-ă-thē): disease of muscle tissue
my/o: muscle
Myopathy is a disease that commonly indicates a skeletal muscle disorder.
-plegia paralysis hemi/plegia(hĕm-ē-PLĒ-jē-ă): paralysis of one side of the body
hemi-: one half
Types of hemiplegia include cerebral hemiplegia and facial hemiplegia.
-rrhaphy suture my/o/rrhaphy(mī-OR-ă-fē): suture of muscle, usually due to a muscle wound
my/o: muscle
-sarcoma malignant my/o/sarcoma(mī-ō-sar-KŌ-mă): malignant tumor of muscle tissue
tumor of my/o: muscle
-tomy incision chondr/o/tomy(kŏn-DRŎT-ō-mē): incision of cartilage
chondr/o: cartilage

Pronunciation Help Long sound a ̄in ra ̄te e ̄in re ̄birth ı ̄in ı ̄sle o ̄in o ̄ver u ̄in u ̄nite
Short sound a ̆in a ̆lone e ̆in e ̆ver ̆ıin ı ̆t o ̆in no ̆t u ̆in cu ̆t

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