Medical Terminology Simplified

(Grace) #1
Skeletal System • CHAPTER 10 463


This section introduces CFs related to the bones. Included are key suffixes; prefixes are defined
in the right-hand column as needed. Review the following table, and pronounce each word in
the word analysis column aloud before you begin to work the frames.

Word Element Meaning Word Analysis
Combining Forms
Specific Bones of the Upper Extremities

carp/o carpus (wrist carp/o/ptosis (kăr-pŏp-TŌ-sĭs): downward displacement of the wrist; also called
bones) dropped wrist
-ptosis:prolapse, downward displacement

cervic/o neck; cervix cervic/al (SĔR-vĭ-kăl): pertaining to the neck
uteri (neck of -al:pertaining to
the uterus) The term cervical is also used to denote the region of the neck or a constricted area of a
necklike structure, such as the neck of a tooth or the cervix uteri.

cost/o ribs sub/cost/al (sŭb-KŎS-tăl): beneath the ribs
sub-:under, below
-al:pertaining to

crani/o cranium (skull) crani/o/tomy (krā-nē-ŎT-ō-mē): incision through the cranium, usually to gain
access to the brain during neurosurgical procedures
Craniotomy is performed to relieve intracranial pressure, control bleeding, or remove
a tumor.

humer/o humerus (upper humer/al (HŪ-mĕr-ăl): pertaining to the humerus
arm bone) -al:pertaining to

metacarp/o metacarpus metacarp/ectomy (mĕt-ă-kăr-PĔK-tō-mē): excision of one or more metacarpal
(hand bones) bones
-ectomy:excision, removal

phalang/o phalanges phalang/itis (făl-ăn-JĪ-tĭs): inflammation of one or more phalanges
(bones of the -itis:inflammation
fingers and toes)

spondyl/o vertebra spondyl/itis (spŏn-dĭl-Ī-tĭs): inflammation of any of the vertebrae (plural),
(backbone) usually characterized by stiffness and pain
Ankylosing spondylitis is a form of arthritis that may eventually cause the spine to fuse
in a fixed, immobile position. Spondylitis may result from a traumatic injury to the
spine, infection, or rheumatoid disease.
vertebr/al (VĔR-tĕ-brăl): pertaining to a vertebra or the vertebral column
-al:pertaining to

stern/o sternum stern/o/cost/al (stĕr-nō-KŎS-tăl): pertaining to the sternum and ribs
(breastbone) cost:ribs
-al:pertaining to

Specific Bones of the Lower Extremities

calcane/o calcaneum calcane/o/dynia (kăl-kăn-ē-ō-DĬN-ē-ă): painful condition of the heel
(heel bone) -dynia:pain

femor/o femur (thigh femor/al (FĔM-or-ăl): pertaining to the femur
bone) -al:pertaining to

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