Medical Terminology Simplified

(Grace) #1
Use of an argon laser to treat diabetic retinopathy by sealing leaking blood vessels in
the retina
The laser uses the gas argon to produce blue-green wavelengths that are absorbed by the
cells that lie under the retina and the red hemoglobin in blood but pass through fluid in
the eye without damaging structures. Laser photocoagulation is also used to treat macu-
lar degeneration and attach a detached retina.

Use of an excimer laser to correct errors of refraction, such as myopia, hyperopia, and
astigmatism, by reshaping the cornea and improving visual acuity
LASIK provides a permanent alternative to wearing corrective lenses or contact lenses.
Many patients who are treated with LASIK find an improvement of up to 20/20 vision.


Electronic transmitter surgically implanted into the cochlea of a deaf person to
restore hearing

Process of flushing the external ear canal with sterile water or sterile saline solution
to treat patients who complain of foreign body or cerumen (ear wax) impaction
(See Fig. 11–15.)

534 CHAPTER 11• Special Senses: Eyes and Ears

ear irrigation

cochlear implant
cochle: cochlea
-ar: pertaining to

laser-assisted in situ
keratomileusis (LASIK)

laser photocoagulation

Cataract removal

Artificial lens

Lens capsule

Artificial lens insertion

Figure 11-14Phacoemulsification.

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