Medical Terminology Simplified

(Grace) #1


Practice pronunciation of medical terms by reading the following medical report aloud.

Otitis Media

A 25-year-old white woman with a diagnosis of mucoserous otitis media in the right ear was seen by the ENT specialist.
The patient was admitted to the hospital and developed cholesteatoma. A tube was inserted for the chronic adhesive
otitis media with secondary cholesteatoma. The patient progressed favorably postoperatively, but the cholesteatoma
continued to enlarge in size. Currently, she has been admitted to the hospital for a right tympanoplasty performed
under general anesthesia.


Review the medical record above to answer the following questions. Use a medical dictionary such as Taber’s
Cyclopedic Medical Dictionaryand other resources if needed.

  1. Where was the patient’s infection located?

  2. What complication developed while the patient was hospitalized?

  3. What is the purpose of the tube placement?

  4. What surgery is being performed to resolve the cholesteatoma?

  5. Will the patient be asleep during the surgery?

540 CHAPTER 11• Special Senses: Eyes and Ears

Term Definition



Visit the Medical Terminology Simplifiedonline resource center at DavisPlus to practice
pronunciation and reinforce the meanings of selected terms in this medical report.
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