554 APPENDIX A• Glossary of Medical Word Elements
Medical Word Medical Word
Element Meaning Element Meaning
ot/o ear
-ous pertaining to
ovari/o ovary
ox/i oxygen
ox/o oxygen
-oxia oxygen
palat/o palate (roof of mouth)
pan- all
pancreat/o pancreas
para- near, beside; beyond
-para to bear (offspring)
parathyroid/o parathyroid glands
-paresis partial paralysis
patell/o patella (kneecap)
path/o disease
-pathy disease
pector/o chest
ped/i foot; child
ped/o foot; child
pedicul/o lice
pelv/i pelvis
pelv/o pelvis
pen/o penis
-penia decrease, deficiency
-pepsia digestion
peri- around
perine/o perineum (area between the
scrotum [or vulva in the
female] and anus)
peritone/o peritoneum
-pexy fixation (of an organ)
phac/o lens
phag/o swallowing, eating
-phage swallowing, eating
-phagia swallowing, eating
phalang/o phalanges (bones of the fingers
and toes)
pharmaceutic/o drug, medicine
pharyng/o pharynx (throat)
-phasia speech
-phil attraction for
phil/o attraction for
-philia attraction for
phleb/o vein
-phobia fear
-phonia voice
-phoresis carrying, transmission
-phoria feeling (mental state)
phot/o light
phren/o diaphragm; mind
-phylaxis protection
-physis growth
pil/o hair
pituitar/o pituitary gland
-plakia plaque
plas/o formation, growth
-plasia formation, growth
-plasm formation, growth
-plasty surgical repair
-plegia paralysis
pleur/o pleura
-plexy stroke
-pnea breathing
pneum/o air; lung
pneumon/o air; lung
pod/o foot
-poiesis formation, production
poikil/o varied, irregular
poli/o gray; gray matter (of the brain or
spinal cord)
poly- many, much
polyp/o small growth
-porosis porous
post- after, behind
poster/o back (of the body), behind,
-potence power
-prandial meal
pre- before, in front of
presby/o old age
primi- first
pro- before, in front of
proct/o anus, rectum
prostat/o prostate gland
proxim/o near, nearest
pseudo- false
psych/o mind
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