Medical Terminology Simplified

(Grace) #1
Answer Key • APPENDIX B 573

Medical Term Word Elements Meaning

  1. rhinorrhea rhin/o (CF) nose
    -rrhea (S) discharge, flow

  2. spirometry spir/o (CF) to breathe
    -metry (S) act of measuring

  3. thoracopathy thorac/o (CF) chest
    -pathy (S) disease

  4. tracheostomy trache/o (CF) trachea
    -stomy (S) forming an opening (mouth)

*The i in bronch/i in the term bronchioleis an exception to the rule of using the connecting vowel o.

Vocabulary Review

1.pyothorax 6.diagnosis 11.atelectasis 16. catheter
2.thoracentesis 7.apnea 12.anosmia 17. rhinoplasty
3.asthma 8.aerophagia 13.pharyngoplegia 18. TB
4.croup 9.aspirate 14.pleurisy 19. COPD
5.tracheostomy 10.chondroma 15.Pneumocystis 20. pneumothorax


Section Review 5–1

Term Meaning

  1. endo/cardi/um -um: structure, thing; in, within; heart

  2. cardi/o/megaly -megaly: enlargement; heart

  3. aort/o/stenosis -stenosis: narrowing, stricture; aorta

  4. tachy/cardia -cardia: heart condition; rapid

  5. phleb/itis -itis: inflammation; vein

  6. thromb/o/lysis -lysis: separation; destruction; loosening; blood clot

  7. vas/o/spasm -spasm: involuntary contraction, twitching; vessel; vas deferens; duct

  8. ather/oma -oma: tumor; fatty plaque

  9. electr/o/cardi/o/graphy -graphy: process of recording; electricity; heart

  10. atri/o/ventricul/ar -ar: pertaining to; atrium; ventricle (of the heart or brain)

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