Medical Terminology Simplified

(Grace) #1
586 APPENDIX B• Answer Key

Vocabulary Review

1.malignant 6.diuretics 11.nephroptosis 16.hematuria
2.nephrons 7.edema 12.ureteropyeloplasty 17.polyuria
3.cholelithiasis 8.benign 13.bilateral 18.oliguria
4.renal pelvis 9.nephrolithotomy 14.nocturia 19.anuria
5.IVP 10. acute renal failure 15.urinary incontinence 20.cystocele

Medical Term Word Elements Meaning

  1. pyeloplasty pyel/o (CF) renal pelvis
    -plasty (S) surgical repair

  2. pyelostomy pyel/o (CF) renal pelvis
    -stomy (S) forming an opening (mouth)

  3. suprarenal supra- (P) above; excessive; superior
    ren (WR) kidney
    -al (S) pertaining to

  4. ureterolithiasis ureter/o (CF) ureter
    lith (WR) stone, calculus
    -iasis (S) abnormal condition (produced by something

  5. ureterocystoscopy ureter/o (CF) ureter
    cyst/o (CF) bladder
    -scopy (S) visual examination

  6. urography ur/o (CF) urine, urinary tract
    -graphy (S) process of recording

  7. urethrocele urethr/o (CF) urethra
    -cele (S) hernia, swelling

  8. urologist ur/o (CF) urine
    -logist (S) specialist

  9. vesicocele vesic/o (CF) bladder
    -cele (S) hernia, swelling

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