596 APPENDIX B• Answer Key
Competency Verification, Figure 10–4
Longitudinal section of a long bone (femur) and interior bone structure, page 467.
1.diaphysis 3.compact bone 5.distal epiphysis 7.spongy bone
2.periosteum 4.medullary cavity 6.proximal epiphysis
Section Review 10–4
1.hyper- 6. calc/o 11.-tomy 16.-graphy 21.myel/o
2.peri- 7. -cyte 12.-itis 17.-genesis 22.-rrhaphy
3.-emia 8. dist/o 13.proxim/o 18.-gram 23.-oma
4.oste/o 9. scler/o 14.my/o 19.-malacia 24.hypo-
5.chondr/o 10.-cele 15.-algia, -dynia 20.-logist 25.radi/o
Competency Verification, Figure 10–8
Anterior view of the skeleton, page 477.
1.crani/o 4. vertebr/o 7.metacarp/o 10.femor/o 13.fibul/o
2.stern/o 5. humer/o 8.phalang/o 11.patell/o 14.calcane/o
3.cost/o 6. carp/o 9.pelv/i, pelv/o 12.tibi/o
Competency Verification, Figure 10–9
Types of fractures, page 481.
1.closed fracture 3.greenstick fracture 5. impacted fracture 7. Colles fracture
2.open fracture 4.comminuted fracture 6.complicated fracture 8.incomplete fracture
Competency Verification, Figure 10–10
Vertebral column, lateral view, page 483.
1.intervertebral disks 3.atlas 5.thoracic vertebrae 7.sacrum
2.cervical vertebrae 4.axis 6.lumbar vertebrae 8.coccyx
Term Meaning
- myel/o/cele -cele: hernia, swelling; bone marrow; spinal cord
- oste/o/porosis -porosis: porous; bone
- ankyl/osis -osis: abnormal condition, increase (used primarily with blood cells); stiffness; bent, crooked
- carp/o/ptosis -ptosis: prolapse, downward displacement; carpus (wrist bones)
- crani/o/tomy -tomy: incision; cranium (skull)
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