Medical Terminology Simplified

(Grace) #1
598 APPENDIX B• Answer Key

Medical Term Word Elements Meaning

  1. arthr/o/desis arthr/o (CF) joint
    -desis (S) binding; fixation (of a bone or joint)

  2. calcane/o/dynia calcane/o (CF) calcaneum (heel bone)
    -dynia (S) pain

  3. chondr/oma chondr (WR) cartilage
    -oma (S) tumor

  4. cost/o/chondr/itis cost/o (CF) ribs
    chondr (WR) cartilage
    -itis (S) inflammation

  5. dia/physis dia- (P) through, across
    -physis (S) growth

  6. fasci/o/plasty fasci/o (CF) band, fascia (fibrous membrane supporting and
    separating muscles)
    -plasty (S) surgical repair

  7. hemi/plegia hemi- (P) one half
    -plegia (S) paralysis

  8. lamin/ectomy lamin (WR) lamina (part of the vertebral arch)
    -ectomy (S) excision, removal

  9. leiomy/oma leiomy (WR) smooth muscle (visceral)
    -oma (S) tumor

  10. my/algia my (WR) muscle
    -algia (S) pain

  11. myel/o/cele myel/o (CF) bone marrow; spinal cord
    -cele (S) hernia, swelling

  12. my/esthenia my (WR) muscle
    -esthenia (S) weakness, debility

  13. my/o/sarc/oma my/o (CF) muscle
    sarc (WR) flesh (connective tissue)
    -oma (S) tumor

  14. orth/o/ped/ics orth/o (CF) straight
    ped (WR) foot; child
    -ics (S) pertaining to

  15. oste/o/clast oste/o (CF) bone
    -clast (S) to break; surgical fracture

Word Elements Chapter Review

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