Cystourethrography, 309
Cystourethroscope, 294
Cystourography, 309
Cytology, 78, 79
Cytotoxic T lymphocytes, 187
Dacryadenalgia, 517
Dacryadenitis, 518
Dacryorrhea, 509, 516
Deafness, 518, 522, 529
Debridement, 91
Decubitus ulcer, 89
Deep vein thrombosis, 190
Defibrillators, 199
Dementia, 431
Dentist, 219, 225
Dentistry, 225
Deoxygenated, 162
Dermabrasion, 92
Dermatitis, 68, 72
Dermatologist, 63, 68, 72
Dermatology, 63–67, 73
Dermatoma, 72
Dermatome, 82
Dermatomycosis, 65, 74
Dermatopathy, 68, 72
Dermatoplasty, 66, 72
Dermis, 64f, 67, 68
Dermoid, 66
Dermopathy, 75
Descending colon, 238
Diabetes mellitus, 97, 396, 397, 414, 430
evaluation, 441–442
terminology, 440–441
type 1, 414, 430
type 2, 414, 430
Diabetic retinopathy, 526
Diagnosis, 225
Diagnostic procedures, 604–605
Diagnostic suffixes, 18
Diagnostic terms, 51–54
Dialysis, 278, 281, 310
Diaphoresis, 66, 74, 97
Diaphragm, 42f, 44, 126, 127f, 457
Diaphysis, 465, 467
Diarrhea, 220, 240
Diarthroses, 474
Diastole, 176
Dictionary, 337
Digestion, 220, 231
Digestive system, 217–276, 218f
abbreviations, 255
accessory organs of, 245–254
combining forms, 222, 243, 244, 254, 269
diagnostic procedures, 260–261
diseases and conditions, 255–260
therapeutic terms, 262–263
word elements, 269–270
Digital rectal examination (DRE), 374,
Dilation, 110
Dilation and curettage (D&C), 340, 340f,
Diplopia, 509, 515, 529
Directional terms, 32–41
Diseases. See specific disease
Disk, ruptured, 484
Distal, 38, 301, 469
Distal epiphysis, 468, 470
Diuresis, 306
Diuretics, 202, 287, 313
Divergent strabismus, 528f, 529
Diverticula, 257
Diverticular disease, 257, 257f
Doppler ultrasonography, 197, 197f
Dorsal, 32, 33, 34
Dropped wrist, 463
Drug classifications, 607–612
Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA),
Duchenne dystrophy, 486
Duct, 158
Ductus deferens, 354, 358
Duodenectomy, 235, 237
Duodenorrhaphy, 237
Duodenoscopy, 228, 261
Duodenostomy, 233, 236
Duodenotomy, 236, 237
Duodenum, 228, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237,
245, 247f
Dura matter, 422, 424
Dwarfism, 398, 403
Dx, 97
Dysentery, 257
Dysmenorrhea, 346
Dyspepsia, 220, 231
Dysphagia, 220, 231
Dysplasia, 362
Dyspnea, 125
Dysrhythmia, 190
Dystocia, 333
Dysuria, 290, 294
Earache, 519
Ear canal, 519
Eardrum, 518, 519, 520
Ear irrigation, 534, 534f
Ear(s), 517–524
abbreviations, 525
diagnostic procedures, 532
inner, 521f
path of vibrations, 521f
pathological terms, 529–530
structures of, 520, 521f
therapeutic procedures, 534–535
Ecchymosis, 86, 86f
ECG, 176
E chart, 531, 531f
Echo. SeeUltrasonography (US)
Echocardiography, 195
Eclampsia, 368
Ectopic pregnancy, 366, 367f
Eczema, 85, 86f
Edema, 287, 298
Ejaculate, 355
Ejaculatory duct, 354
EKG, 176
Electrical, 174
Electricity, 174
Electrocardiogram, 158, 175f, 176, 177
Electrocardiograph, 158
Electrocardiography, 158, 176, 195
Electroencephalography (EEG), 436
Elements of medical words, 548–557
ELISA, 197
Embolus(i), 190, 425, 426
Emmetropia, 515, 516f
Emotional illness, 426–427
Emphysema, 129, 130f, 135
Empyema, 134
Encephalitis, 419, 420, 478
Encephalocele, 478
Encephaloma, 420, 478
Encephalomalacia, 478
Endarterectomy, 200
Endocardium, 158, 159, 160, 171
Endocrine glands, 394, 395f
Endocrine system, 393–417
abbreviations, 429
diagnostic procedures, 435
diseases and conditions, 429–431
medical and surgical procedures, 437
word elements, 446–447
Endocrinologists, 393
Endocrinology, 393
Endometriosis, 366, 368f
Endometritis, 332
Endometrium, 332, 340
Endoscope, 228, 233, 261
Endoscopy, 51, 51f, 217, 228, 241, 261
Endotracheal intubation, 138, 139f
End-stage renal disease, 306
Enteral, 238
Enterectomy, 238
Enteritis, 97
Enterologist, 225
Enteropathy, 233
Enterorrhaphy, 238
ENT physician, 507–508
Enuresis, 306
Epidermis, 64f, 67, 68
Epididymides, 363
Epididymis, 354, 358
Epidural space, 424
Epigastric, 47, 230
Epiglottis, 134
Epiglottitis, 134
Epilepsy, 431, 434
Epinephrine, 410, 411
Episiotomy, 333
Epispadias, 370
Epistaxis, 134
Epithelium, ciliated, 112
Epstein-Barr virus, 193
Erectile agents, 379
Erectile dysfunction, 370
Erectile tissue, 354
Erythematous, 97
Erythrocyte(s), 79, 120
Erythrocytosis, 80
Erythroderma, 78
Erythropia, 515
Erythropoiesis, 468
Erythrosis, 80
Esophageal ulcers, 227
Esophagoplasty, 228, 252
Esophagoscope, 219
Esophagoscopy, 219
Esophagotome, 229
Esophagotomy, 229
636 Index
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