Kneecap, 464, 476
KUB, 298
Kyphosis, 490, 491f
L1-L5, 484
Labia majora, 345
Labia minora, 345
Labor, 333
Labyrinth(s), 520, 521f
Lacrimal apparatus, 509
Lacrimation, 509
Lactation, 347, 348
Lactiferous duct, 348
Lactogen, 332
Lamina, 464
Laminectomy, 464
Laparoscope, 372, 373f
Laparoscopy, 244, 251, 372, 373f
Laparotomy, 262
Large intestine, 233, 234–240
Laryngectomy, 115
Laryngitis, 116
Laryngoscope, 109, 115, 116
Laryngoscopy, 116
Laryngostenosis, 115
Larynx, 109, 115, 119
Laser keratotomy, 513
Laser photocoagulation, 534
Laser, cutaneous, 92
Laser, excimer, 91
Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis
(LASIK), 534
Lateral, 32, 33, 36, 37
Laxatives, 263
Lazy-eye syndrome, 509
Leiomyoma, 368, 455
Lens of eye, 525
Leukemia, 79
Leukocyte(s), 79
Leukocytopenia, 79
Leukocytosis, 80
Leukoderma, 78, 89
Leukopoiesis, 468
Leukorrhea, 368
Lipectomy, 71
Lipid panel, 196
Lipocele, 76
Lipocyte(s), 64, 71
Lipoid, 343
Lipoma, 71
Liposuction, 71, 72
Lithectomy, 285
Lithiasis, 250, 281, 284
Lithotripsy, 262, 281, 285
Liver, 239, 244, 245, 246–247, 247f, 248,
250, 413
LLQ, 46
Lobar, 123
Lobe(s), 123, 348, 400
Lobectomy, 123
Lobitis, 123
Lobotomy, 123
Loins, 48, 455
Long bone(s), 466–467, 467f
Loosening, 244
Lordosis, 491, 491f
Lou Gehrig disease, 431
Lower back, 48, 455
Lumbar nerves, 422
Lumbar puncture, 436, 436f
Lumbar vertebrae, 482
Lumbar, 47, 484
Lumboabdominal, 48
Lumbocostal, 455
Lumbodynia, 484
Lumpectomy, 350, 350f, 376
Lung cancer, 123, 135
Lung(s), 109, 112, 119, 122, 123, 136f, 162
Lunula, 75
LUQ, 46
Luteinizing hormone (LH), 404
Lymph, 182
Lymphadenitis, 182
Lymphangiectomy, 201
Lymphangiography, 197
Lymphangioma, 182
Lymphatic duct, 184
Lymphatic system, 156f, 182–189, 185f
abbreviations, 189
diagnostic procedures, 197–198
diseases and conditions, 193–194
structures of, 183–186
therapeutic procedures, 201
word elements, 182
Lymph capillaries, 181, 183
Lymph cells, 184
Lymph gland, 182
Lymph node(s), 181, 182, 184
Lymphocyte(s), 183, 184, 187
Lymphoid, 184
Lymphoid tissue, 182
Lymphoma, 183
Lymphopathy, 184
Lymphopoiesis, 182, 183
Lymphosarcoma, 193
Lymph vessel(s), 169, 182, 183, 184
Macrophage, 186
Macular degeneration, 526, 528f
Macule, 88f, 97
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 52, 52f,
137, 261, 437
Magnetoencephalography (MEG), 436
Malacia, 76, 118
Male reproductive system. SeeReproductive
system(s), male
Malignant, 230, 295
Malleus, 520
Mammary glands, 347–349, 349f
Mammogram, 332
Mammography, 348, 373
Mammoplasty, 348
Mania(a), 427
Masculinization, 354
Mastalgia, 348
Mastectomy, 348, 376, 377f
Mastodynia, 348
Mastopexy, 332, 348
Mastoplasty, 348
Matrix, 75
Meatorrhaphy, 294
Meatotomy, 294
Meatus, 280
Mediad, 37
Medial, 37
Median, 42, 43
Medical and surgical procedures, 605–606
Medical record(s)
bilateral vasectomy, 383–384
carcinosarcoma of esophagus, 267–268
cardiac catheterization, 206
cerebrovascular accident, 443–445
compound nevus, 95–96
cystitis, 315–316
degenerative intervertebral disk disease,
diabetes mellitus, 440–442
myocardial infarction, 204–206
otitis media, 539–540
papillary carcinoma, 143–144
postmenopausal bleeding, 381–382
psoriasis, 97–99
rectal bleeding, 265–267
retinal detachment, 537–539
rotator cuff tear, 497–499
Medical specialties, 622–623
Medical word building, 1–25
Medical word elements, 548–557
Medical words, defining of, 14–15
Medulla, 422
Medullary cavity, 468
Megalocardia, 177, 228
Melanin, 70
Melanocyte(s), 70, 79, 80
Melanoderma, 78
Melanoma, 65, 70, 80, 95
Melanosis, 80
Menarche, 333
Ménière disease, 529
Meninges, 419, 424
Meningioma, 419, 424
Meningitis, 424
Meningocele, 419, 424, 434, 435f
Meningomyelocele, 434, 435f
Menorrhagia, 347
Menorrhea, 346, 347
Menses, 332, 333, 346, 369
Menstruation, 332, 333, 346–347, 369
Mental disorders, 426–427
Metacarpectomy, 463
Metacarpus, 463, 476
Metastasis, 130
Metastasize, 130
Metroplasty, 338
Microcardia, 177
Microscope, 120
Midsagittal, 42, 43
Mineralocorticoids, 411
Miotics, 535
Mitral valve, 167, 171
Mitral valve prolapse, 167, 192
Modified radical mastectomy, 376, 377f
Mohs surgery, 91
Mononucleosis, 193
Morbid obesity, 259
Motion sickness drugs, 535
Mouth, 219, 222, 224, 236, 238
MRI. SeeMagnetic resonance imaging
Mucoid, 227, 343, 358
Index 639
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