For the following medical terms, first write the suffix and its meaning. Then translate the meaning of the
remaining elements starting with the first part of the word. The first word is completed for you.
Term Meaning
- ili/ac -ac: pertaining to; ilium: lateral, flaring portion of hip bone
- abdomin/al
- inguin/al
- spin/al
- peri/umbilic/al
- cephal/ad
- gastr/ic
- thorac/ic
- cervic/al
- lumb/ar
Competency Verification:Check your answers in Appendix B: Answer Key, page 565. If you are not satisfied with
your level of comprehension, review the vocabulary and retake the review.
Correct Answers × 10 = % Score
Body Planes and Cavities
To visualize structural arrangements of various organs, the body may be sectioned (cut) according to planes of reference.
The three major planes are the frontal, median, and horizontal planes, as shown in Figure 2–2. In addition, body cavities, as
shown in Figure 2–3, contain internal organs and are used as a point of reference to locate structures within body cavities.
Body Planes
2–34 Review Figures 2–2 and 2–3 before proceeding with the next frame. You
may refer to the two figures to complete the following frames.
2–35 A body plane is an imaginary flat surface that divides the body into two sec-
tions. Different planes divide the body into different sections, such as front and back,
left side and right side, and top and bottom. These planes serve as points of reference
for describing the direction from which the body is being observed. Planes are partic-
ularly useful to describe views in which radiographic images are taken.
An imaginary flat surface that divides the body into two sections is a
____________________ ____________________.
Frame 2–34to Frame 2–35
Body Planes and Cavities • CHAPTER 2 41
body plane