Anatomy and Physiology Overview • CHAPTER 3 65
Word Element Meaning Word Analysis
hidr/o sweat hidr/aden/itis (hī-drăd-ĕ-NĪ-tĭs): inflammation of a sweat gland
Do not confuse hidr/o (sweat) with hydr/o (water).
sudor/o sudor/esis (sū-dō-RĒ-sĭs): condition of profuse sweating; also called diaphoresis
and hyperhidrosis
-esis: condition
ichthy/o dry, scaly ichthy/osis (ĭk-thē-Ō-sĭs): any of several dermatologic conditions characterized
by noninflammatory dryness and scaling of the skin and commonly associated
with other abnormalities of lipid metabolism
-osis:abnormal condition; increase (used primarily with blood cells)
A mild form of ichthyosis, called winter itch, is commonly seen on the legs of older pa-
tients, especially during the dry winter months.
kerat/o horny tissue; kerat/osis (kĕr-ă-TŌ-sĭs): any condition of the skin characterized by an
hard; cornea overgrowth and thickening of the skin
-osis:abnormal condition; increase (used primarily with blood cells)
melan/o black melan/oma (mĕl-ă-NŌ-mă): malignant tumor of melanocytes that commonly
begins in a darkly pigmented mole and can metastasize widely
Melanomas are caused by intense exposure to sunlight and commonly metastasize
throughout the body.
myc/o fungus dermat/o/myc/osis (dĕr-mă-tō-mī-KŌ-sĭs): fungal infection of the skin
(plural, fungi)
-osis:abnormal condition; increase (used primarily with blood cells)
onych/o nail onych/o/malacia (ŏn-ĭ-kō-mă-LĀ-shē-ă): abnormal softening of the nails
pil/o hair pil/o/nid/al (pī-lō-NĪ-dăl): growth of hair in a dermoid cyst or in a sinus
opening on the skin
-al:pertaining to
A pilonidal cyst commonly develops in the sacral region (fourth segment of the lower
spinal column) of the skin. The cystic tumor contains elements derived from the ecto-
derm, such as hair, skin, sebum, or teeth.
trich/o trich/o/pathy (trĭk-ŎP-ă-thē): any disease of the hair
scler/o hardening; sclera scler/o/derma (sklĕr-ō-DĔR-mă): chronic disease with abnormal hardening
(white of eye) of the skin caused by formation of new collagen
seb/o sebum, sebaceousseb/o/rrhea (sĕb-or-Ē-ă): increase in the amount and, commonly, an alteration
of the quality of the fats secreted by the sebaceous glands
-rrhea:discharge, flow
squam/o scale squam/ous (SKWĀ-mŭs): covered with scales or scalelike
-ous:pertaining to
xer/o dry xer/o/derma (zē-rō-DĔR-mă): chronic skin condition characterized by excessive
roughness and dryness
Xeroderma is a mild form of ichthyosis.