The New York Review of Books - USA - 16.12.2021

(EriveltonMoraes) #1
December 16, 2021 31

Rediscover ★ Library of America

Five classic novels about
Black young people
confronting the world
from America’s most
decorated author of
children’s literature.
908 pp. • #348 • $35 cl

Timelier than ever, the
landmark book that for-
ever changed our under-
standing of the Civil
War era and the legacy
of racism in America.
1100 pp. • #350 • $45 cl

Library of America joins
with acclaimed author
Connie Willis to present
a fun and far-ranging
collection of American
stories about Christmas.
464 pp. • $29.95 cl

Library of America’s
Octavia E. Butler
edition begins with this
volume gathering two
unforgettable novels and
her collected stories.
789 pp. • #338 • $35 cl

This authoritative
Library of America
edition gathers four of
Ray Bradbury’s greatest
works in a single volume,
including the complete
Martian Chronicles.
897 pp. • #347 • $40 cl

The definitive edition of
one of the most iconic
writers of our time con-
tiues with this collection
of five scintillating
books from mid-career.
852 pp. • #341 • $40 cl

For the 80th anniversary
of Pearl Harbor, three
powerful memoirs that
capture the brutality, fear,
and heroism of the
American land, air, and
sea war in the Pacific.
794 pp. • #351 • $40 cl

A pioneering environ-
mentalist explores the
wonders of the oceans
in this classic trilogy of
American science and
nature writing.
750 pp. • #352 • $40 cl

For the first time, a
collected edition of John
Williams’s major works:
Butcher’s Crossing, Stoner,
and the National Book
Award–winning Augustus.
887 pp. • #349 • $40 cl

For the 400th anniver-
sary of Molière’s birth,
all ten of Richard
Wilbur’s unsurpassed
translations in a deluxe
two-volume boxed set.
1134 pp. • $70 bx

In one fully illustrated
volume, three books illu-
minating the marvel of
biodiversity and wonders
of science, including
Wilson’s inspiring memoir.
975 pp. • #340 • $45 cl

“Powerful and moving

... a monumental
and rapturous new
anthology of Black
American poetry.”
1150 pp. • #333 • $45 cl

The novel that transformed
American literature in an
authoritative new text,
correcting errors and restor-
ing key changes made to
Hemingway’s original
punctuation—including in
the novel’s famous last line.
340 pp. • $15.95 pb

/libraryofamerica /LibraryAmerica /libraryofamerica
Distributed by Penguin Random House, Inc.

An explosive, previously
unpublished novel about
race and violence in America
from the legendary author
of Native Son and Black Boy.
240 pp. • $22.95 cl

A 75th anniversaey
edition of the landmark
bestselling novel that
changed the way we
think about mental illness
and its treatment.
360 pp. • $15.95 pb

Library of America ★ America’s nonprofit publisher

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