Chipping Norton Leisure Centre
Architect Fielden Clegg Bradley
Lighting consultant Brian Ford Associates
Client West Oxfordshire District Council
The Chipping Norton Leisure Centre is a dual
use facility completed in 2002. It contains a
25 m4 lane swimming pool, a four-court
sports hall, fitness suite, dance studio and
three squash courts.
Computer and physical modelling of the
proposed daylight solutions was explored, the
final solution allowing the sports hall and
swimming pool to operate in daylight hours
without the need for artificial lighting.
An analysis of the daylight conditions in the
sports hall and swimming pool were
undertaken to determine both the quantity,
distribution and quality of the daylight within
these spaces for various rooflight and diffuser
options. Annual energy use, energy costs and
CO 2 emissions, related to the artificial lighting
requirements, were also estimated for the
different rooflight design options.
Since both computer and physical models
were used for this work it is of interest to
note that significant differences were found.
Generally higher Daylight Factors (DF) were
predicted using the physical models than those
obtained from the computer, but the pattern
of light distribution was found to be similar,
and the visual effect of the various options
could be assessed by the architects more
readily with the physical models.
There were various reasons for the
differences, perhaps the most significant being
the imperfections at junctions in the model.
The resulting solutions may be seen in the
In the swimming pool the large windows
down the west side of the pool make the most
significant contribution, supplemented by the
rooflights running the length of the pool on
either side. The daylight design obviates the
danger of reflections off the water from
obscuring the view of swimmers in difficulties.
In the sports hall an entirely different
approach is adopted by means of runs of
overhead rooflights,controlled by fabric
diffusers, which solve the problem of solar
The success of the daylighting of the
Chipping Norton Leisure Centre has resulted
from the application of careful daylight
studies, and the willingness to take the
necessary time to apply the results of energy
studies, thus ensuring a sustainable solution.
148 Daylighting: Natural Light in Architecture
Building plan
Section through swimming pool
Fielden Clegg Bradley
Fielden Clegg Bradley