Daylighting: Natural Light in Architecture

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Rooms at Royal Academy, Burlington House

Architect R. Smitt, Surveyor to the Royal Academy of Arts

Lighting designer DPA Lighting Consultants

Client Royal Academy of Arts

In order to ensure that the Royal Academy
keeps pace with the daylighting requirements
of fine art galleries, the lecture room,
together with a number of related spaces,
were studied in terms of their daylighting
control, on the assumption their existing
glazed roof forms might be retained, but
modified as needed.
The general brief for the daylighting was to
provide a flexible and easily controlled system
suitable for all of the top lit galleries,
irrespective of their orientation which allows
for the average daylight level to vary from nil
to 500 lux or more. One of the important
factors is the need to cater for ‘indemnified
exhibitions’ or ‘loan collections’ where specific
daylight levels are specified, from nil daylight
to 300 lux, and where the gallery has a
responsibility for its provision. This is
different to the ‘Summer collection’, there for
only a short period, and where it is not too
important if the general level of daylight
specified varies upwards on occasions.
After model studies were made the lighting
consultants suggested a four-part solution,

which was applied to the large lecture room,
but formed the basis for a unified system
which might be applied to a series of related
The system is shown in the diagram below
and consists of four layers:

  1. The outer layer is a black tarpaulin
    supported on stainless steel suspension
    wires. This is installed manually on those
    occasions when a complete blackout is
    desired. The system is not used on a day to
    day basis.

  2. External motorized louvre blinds. Placed
    above the glazing to the roof, these are
    open to the atmosphere, and needed to be
    made to a high specification to withstand
    rain, snow and high winds. The blinds are
    linked to an automatic control system
    which is ‘daylight linked’ to react to the
    external level of light, allowing
    predetermined maximum daylight levels to
    be set, for the display areas below.
    When the room is closed to the public
    the blinds can be closed to reduce the

daylight level, in order to minimize
degradation of the exhibits.

  1. The internal face of the glass to the
    rooflight is protected by a diffuse privacy
    film. The film is designed to match that
    used in the other galleries. The film
    provides both safety and anti UV control as
    well as diffusing direct sunlight.

  2. The lowest level of control is formed by
    motorized and tensioned blinds formed of
    white close-weave fabric, each half of the
    sloping roof being separately controlled.
    The blinds can be seen by the public, and
    can either allow maximum daylight
    through, when open, or reduce the amount
    by adding a further degree of diffusion of
    the light to the space below.
    The design intent has been met within a
    realistic budget, to provide the flexibility
    necessary to satisfy the needs of daylighting
    in different types of exhibition, whilst
    allowing a quick turnround time between
    one to another, by means of the simplicity of

162 Daylighting: Natural Light in Architecture

Interior during the day, using controlled
daylight for an exhibition View up to rooflight

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