Daylighting: Natural Light in Architecture

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

The same applies to office buildings, where people tend to have to
stay in the same atmosphere all day; if workers are too far from a
window and the impression of natural light is greatly reduced, there is
a sense of dissatisfaction. This is recognized by management, ensuring
that for a part of the working day, for example during coffee breaks or
in the office dining room, there is access to daylight, a change of
It is generally recognized that vision is enhanced by good contrast,
and that the natural colour of daylight increases contrast; it is argued
that this permits lower illumination levels, whilst increasing visibility^1.

14 Daylighting: Natural Light in Architecture

NEC Birmingham. Sunlight and Shadow

(^1) The Design of Lighting. Peter Tregenza and David Loe
DP Archive
DP Archive
Courtyard Mallorca. Sunlight and Shadow

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