Daylighting: Natural Light in Architecture

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

To quote but one example of leading edge technology; a window
designed by the architects Studio E. and developed to a practical stage by
a manufacturer (Colt) as the ‘interactive’ window, shows an integrated
approach to the environmental control of a building. It is of particular
interest in that it does not demand the need for high tech glass solutions,
using low-cost clear window glass.
The window is designed with the following criteria in mind:

  1. The provision of daylight

  2. To solve the problem of mechanically controlled building ventilation
    without creating draughts

  3. To cater for adequate thermal insulation

  4. To provide adequate sound insulation for normal circumstances.

  5. To control solar gain and diminish sun and sky glare.

The features of the window allow individual control by occupants,
accepted as an important characteristic in user satisfaction as is also the
provision of a view, and can be tailored to suit individual environmental
requirements. This is one example of the way in which industry is being
led by architects to satisfy the needs of the environment.
Finally to quote from conclusions made at a conference at the RIBA in

  1. Windows are an essential element in building design, for the follow-
    ing reasons: change, colour, sunlight, modelling, orientation and

  2. Window design, associated with the need to reduce energy in build-
    ings, is leading towards high tech window design, where associated
    problems of ventilation, solar gain, glare and noise pollution suggest
    an integrated solution.

  3. Air-conditioning, at least in this country, will become the exception
    rather than the rule.

  4. There is a convergence between the provision of optimum visual and
    environmental conditions in building, and the world needs to come
    to terms with global warming, and the reduction of carbon dioxide

Windows 35

(^1) ‘New Light on Windows.’ Joint RIBA, BRE and CIBSE Seminar held at the RIBA,
November 1996. Notes prepared by Derek Phillips, unpublished.

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