Physics and Engineering of Radiation Detection

(Martin Jones) #1

3.6. Geiger-Mueller Counters 195

A GM detector having an efficiency of 67% is placed in a radiation field. On
the average, it reads a count rate of 1. 53 × 104 per second. Find the true rate
of incident radiation and the dead time of the detector.

The rate of incident radiation is the true count rate of equation 3.6.5. Hence
we have

Nt =



1. 53 × 104

0. 67

=2. 83 × 104 s−^1.

For the dead time we use equation 3.6.6 as follows.

η =1−τNc

⇒τ =

1 −η

1 − 0. 67

1. 53 × 104

=2. 15 × 10 −^5 s =21. 5 μs

Dead time for GM tubes is generally determined experimentally in laboratories
by using the so called two-source method. This involves recording the count rates
from two sources independently and then combined.
According to equation 3.6.5, the true count ratesNt, 1 ,Nt, 2 ,andNt, 12 of the two
sources independently and combined are given by

Nt, 1 =
Nc, 1
1 −τNc, 1

Nt, 2 =

Nc, 2
1 −τNc, 2

Nt, 12 =

Nc, 12
1 −τNc, 12

WhereNc,xwithx=1, 2 ,12 represent the recorded count rates in the three respec-
tive configurations. Now, since the atoms in the two sources decay independent of
each other therefore their true rates should add up, that is

Nt, 12 =Nt, 1 +Nt, 2. (3.6.7)

Substituting the true count rate expressions in this equations gives

Nc, 12
1 −τNc, 12


Nc, 1
1 −τNc, 1


Nc, 2
1 −τNc, 2

⇒τ ≈

Nc, 1 +Nc, 2 −Nc, 12
2 Nc, 1 Nc, 2

. (3.6.8)
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