Physics and Engineering of Radiation Detection

(Martin Jones) #1

4 Chapter 1. Properties and Sources of Radiation

Compare the de Broglie wavelengths of a proton and an alpha particle moving
with the same speed. Assume the velocity to be much smaller than the
velocity of light. Consider the mass of theα-particle to be about 4 times the
mass of the proton.

Since the velocity is much slower than the speed of light, we can use the
approximation 1.2.5, which for a proton and anα-particle becomes

λp =

and λα =


Dividing the first equation with the second gives




Anα-particle comprises of two protons and two neutrons. Since the mass
of a proton is approximately equal to the mass of a neutron, we can use the
approximationmα≈ 4 mpin the above equation, which then gives

λp≈ 4 λα.

This shows that the de Broglie wavelength of a proton is around 4 times larger
than that of anα-particle moving with the same velocity.

1.3 RadioactivityandRadioactiveDecay

Radioactivity is the process through which nuclei spontaneously emit subatomic
particles. It was discovered by a French scientist Henri Bacquerel in 1896 when he
found out that an element, uranium, emitted something invisible that fogged his
photographic plates. The termradioactivitywas suggested by Marie Curie about 4
years later. Originally three types of radiation were discovered:

α-rays (helium nuclei with only 2 protons and 2 neutrons)

β-rays (electrons)

γ-rays (photons)

Later on it was found that other particles such as neutrons, protons, positrons and
neutrinos are also emitted by some decaying nuclei. The underlying mechanisms
responsible for emission of different particles are different. To add to this complica-
tion, a particle can be emitted as a result of different modes of decay. For example,
a common decay mode resulting in the emission of neutrons isspontaneous fission.
During this process a heavy nucleus spontaneously splits into twolighternuclides

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