Physics and Engineering of Radiation Detection

(Martin Jones) #1

1.3. Radioactivity and Radioactive Decay 21

Activity of^21482 Pb
The decay constant of^21482 Pbis

λd 3 =

T 1 / 2


0. 693

26. 8

=0.0258 min−^1.

To calculate the activity of this isotope of lead after 3 hours we usei=3in
Bateman equation 1.3.31.

A 3 =λd 2 λd 3 A 01


e−λd^1 t
(λd 2 −λd 1 )(λd 3 −λd 1 )


e−λd^2 t
(λd 1 −λd 2 )(λd 3 −λd 2 )



λd 2 λd 3 A 01


e−λd^3 t
(λd 1 −λd 3 )(λd 2 −λd 3 )


Due to high decay constants of^21884 Poand^21482 Pbthe second and third terms
on right hand side can be neglected. Hence

A 3 ≈ λd 2 λd 3 A 01


e−λd^1 t
(λd 2 −λd 1 )(λd 3 −λd 1 )


=0. 227 × 0. 0258 × 50


e−^1.^26 ×^10

− (^4) × 3 × 60
(0. 227 − 1. 26 × 10 −^4 )(0. 0258 − 1. 26 × 10 −^4 )


=49. 14 μCi.

Activity of^21483 Bi
The decay constant of^21483 Biis

λd 4 =

T 1 / 2


0. 693

19. 7

=0.0352 min−^1.

The Bateman’s equation fori = 4 will also contain negligible exponential
terms as we saw in the previous case. Hence we can approximate the activity
of^21483 Biafter 3 hours by

A 4 ≈ λd 2 λd 3 λd 4 A 01


e−λd^1 t
(λd 2 −λd 1 )(λd 3 −λd 1 )(λd 4 −λd 1 )


=49. 32 μCi.
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