
(Tina Sui) #1

Naranjo, Claudio, and Robert E. Ornstein. On the Psychology of Meditation. New York, 1975.

Contents include: The Domain of Meditation, Concentrative or Absorptive Meditation, The
Negative Way, The Way of Surrender and Self-Expression, “Turning Off” Awareness, The Esoteric
and Modern Psychologies of Awareness, An Extended Concept of Human Capacities, A Closing

Nhi, Barti. Yoga et Psychiatrie. Paris: Tete de Fuilles, 1972.

Noe, Allisun. Self psychology, Buddhism, and mindfulness meditation: An integrated
conceptualization and treatment approach for women experiencing post-abortion distress. Psy.D.
dissertation (clinical psychology). Chicago School of Professional Psychology, 2004.

Abstract: Abortion is a complex phenomenon experienced by millions of women every year.
Post-abortion distress, operationally characterized by feelings such as guilt, regret, sadness,
depression, bereavement, and anxiety is found in approximately 9–26% of women who have an
abortion. This dissertation reviews the literature surrounding the experience of abortion, including
the psychodynamics of abortion and its relationship with mourning. Seeking to better understand
the concepts discovered, a thorough review of the theories of self psychology, Buddhism, and
mindfulness meditation is provided. Using these frameworks as lenses, the experiences of
abortion and post-abortion distress are explored. This dissertation integrates several key elements
of the aforementioned schools of thought, ultimately seeking to conceptualize the experience of
post-abortion distress. In light of the integration, psychotherapy is discussed including
implications for treatment, the therapeutic relationship, and the therapist. Following a descriptive
analysis of these concepts, the discussion offers a summary, potential cultural implications,

limitations, and recommendations for future theoretical and empirical efforts.

Nuernberger, Phil. Strong and Fearless: The Quest for Personal Power. Saint Paul, Minn.: Yes
International Publishers, 1996, 2003.

From the publisher: “Stress is not a necessary part of life says [the author]. Stress, he tells us,
arises when we let fear and self-doubt control our thoughts and actions. He then shows us how to
take charge of the powers of our mind, addresses the roots of our fears, and offers real, workable
solutions to the epidemic of stress in the world today.”

Nyanponika, Therea. Abhidhamma Studies. Colombo, Ceylon: Frewin, 1949.

Odajnyk, V. Walter. Gathering the Light: A Psychology of Meditation. Boston and London:
Shambhala, 1993.

Contents: Jung, Meditation, and the West; What is Meditation?; The Psychology of Zen; Can
West Meet East?; Meditation and Alchemy; Wilber on Jung: A Critique; Cleary, Juny, and The
Secret of the Golden Flower

Oki, Masahiro. Yoga Therapy. Tokyo: Japan Publications, 1976.

___. Zen Yoga Therapy. Tokyo: Japan Publications, 1979.

Ornstein, Robert, ed. The Nature of Human Consciousness: A Book of Readings. San Francisco:
W. H. Freeman, 1973.

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