Project Finance: Practical Case Studies

(Frankie) #1

Chapter 5

Dabhol Power Company, India

Type of project

Power station, port facilities for the importing of liquefied natural gas (LNG), and an
LNG regasification facility.



Distinctive features

  • Largest foreign investment in India.

  • Largest energy infrastructure project financing in India.

  • First financing to close after foreign companies allowed into Indian power sector.

  • First Indian government guarantee of a foreign corporation’s liabilities.
    •Wilful default by main offtaker.

  • Defaults by both federal and state governments on guarantees.

  • Bankruptcy of principal project developer.
    •Limited effectiveness of international arbitration process.

Description of financing

The financing for Phase I (June 1995) comprised:

  • US$270 million equity from the three sponsors;

  • US$100 million in loans from the Overseas Private Investment Corporation

  • US$300 million in US Eximbank-guaranteed loans from Indian banks;

  • US$100 million in rupee-denominated Indian bank loans; and

  • US$150 million in a 10-year syndicated commercial bank loan, lead-managed by
    Bank of America and ABN AMRO, and priced at 300 basis points (bps) over the
    London interbank offered rate (Libor), with commitment fees of 100 bps and par-
    ticipation fees ranging from 75 bps for a US$10 million participation to 87.5 bps for
    a US$15 million participation.
    The last-mentioned loan, which carried a counter-guarantee from the central govern-
    ment, was 64 per cent oversubscribed.

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