Programming and Graphics

(Kiana) #1

3.10 Preprocessor define and undefine 89

#define print cout<<

int main()
print a;
print endl;
return 0;

Running the code prints on the screen:


The preprocessor has substituted the C++ command “cout <<” for every in-
stance of the “print” statement in the code. Effectively, “print” has become
a macro for “cout <<”.

A macro can be removed at any time using theundef preprocessor
directive. As an example, consider the code:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define print cout <<

int main()
#define eol << endl
string a = "hello";
print a eol;
#undef eol
#define eol << " for your business" << endl
string b = "thank you";
print b eol;
return 0;

Running the code prints on the screen:

thank you for your business

Thedefinepreprocessor directive may also be used to implement simple
functions. For example, the block of commands:

#define square(x) x*x;
double e = 5.0;
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