- 1 Computers and Computing
- 1.1 Hardwareandsoftware........................
- 1.2 Thebinarysystem
- 1.3 Binarysystemarithmetic
- 1.4 Computermemoryandaddresses..................
- 1.5 Computer programming
- 1.6 Floating-point representation
- 1.7 The hexadecimal system.......................
- 2 General Features of C++
- 2.1 The main function
- 2.2 Grammar and syntax.........................
- 2.3 Datatypes
- 2.4 Vectors,arrays,andcompositedatatypes
- 2.5 Systemheaderfiles..........................
- 2.6 Standardnamespace
- 2.7 Compiling in Unix
- 2.8 Simplecodes
- 3 Programming in C++
- 3.1 Operators
- 3.2 Vector and matrix initialization...................
- 3.3 Controlstructures
- on the monitor 3.4 Receiving from the keyboard and displaying
- 3.5 Mathematical library.........................
- 3.6 Readfromafileandwritetoafile
- 3.7 Formatted input and output.....................
- 3.8 Sample algorithms
- 3.9 Bitwise operators...........................
- 3.10 Preprocessor define and undefine
- 4 User-Defined Functions x Contents
- 4.1 Functions in the main file
- 4.2 Static variables
- 4.3 Function return............................
- 4.4 Functions in individual files and header files............
- 4.5 Functions with scalar arguments
- 4.6 Functions with array arguments...................
- 4.7 Externalvariables
- 4.8 Function overloading.........................
- 4.9 Recursive calling
- 4.10 Function templates..........................
- 5 Pointers
- 5.1 Pointers to scalars and characters..................
- 5.2 Pointerstoarraysandstrings....................
- 5.3 Sorting with the STL.........................
- 5.4 Command line arguments
- 5.5 Pointers to functions.........................
- 5.6 Pointerstofreememory
- 6 Classes and Objects
- 6.1 Class objects and functions
- 6.2 Class interfaces
- 6.3 Class definition
- 6.4 Private fields, public fields, and global variables..........
- 6.5 Thefruitclass
- 6.6 Friends.................................
- 6.7 Circlesandsquares..........................
- 6.8 Algebraonrealnumbers.......................
- 6.9 Operator overloading.........................
- 6.10 Pointers to class members
- 6.11 The class of points in a plane
- 6.12 The class of runners
- 6.13 Header files and projects.......................
- 6.14 Inheritance
- 6.15 Pointers and virtual functions....................
- 6.16 Class templates............................
- 7 Graphics Programming with VOGLE
- 7.1 Compilation..............................
- 7.2 Getting started withVogle.....................
- 7.3 Animation...............................
- 7.4 Plotting a line.............................
- 7.5 A graph with axes
- 7.6 Graph animation
- 7.7 Three-dimensional interactive graph Contents xi
- 7.8 Three-dimensional interactive object drawing
- 8 Graphics Programming with GLUT, GLUI, and GTK+
- 8.1 GLUT.................................
- 8.2 Graphicsevents............................
- 8.3 Drop-down menus
- 8.4 GUI programming with GLUI....................
- 8.5 GUI programming with GTK+
- 9 Using Matlab
- 9.1 InvokingMatlab
- 9.2 TheMatlabenginelibrary.....................
- 9.3 TheMatlabengine functions
- 9.4 Transferring data to theMatlabdomain
- 9.5 Transferring data fromMatlabto the C++ domain.......
- A Unix Primer
- B Summary of VOGLE Functions
- C C++/Matlab/Fortran 77 Dictionary
- D ASCII Code
- E C++ Keywords
- F Matlab Primer
- F.1 Grammar and syntax.........................
- F.2 Precision................................
- F.3 Matlabcommands
- F.4 Elementaryexamples.........................
- F.5 Matlabfunctions
- F.6 User-defined functions
- F.7 Numericalmethods..........................
- F.8 Matlabgraphics...........................
- G The Standard Template Library
- Index