142 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics
Print a file
In a more advanced application, we generate a binary executable named
pfilethat displays the content of a file with a specified namefilenamein response
to the command:
pfile filenme
This is accomplished by the following code contained in the filepfile.cc:
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
ifstream dev1(argv[1])
if(dev1.isopen() )
char x;
while (dev1.get(x))
cout<< x;
cout<<"Unable to open the file" << endl;
return 0;
The Boolean variabledev1.get(x)is false if the end of the filedev1has been
reached, and true otherwise.
5.4.1.Add to the programpfile.cca check that issues a warning if no file name,
or more than one file name, is specified.
5.4.2.Write an application that concatenates two files – that is, it creates a
new file consisting of the union of two input files.
5.5 Pointers to functions.........................
Pointers to user-defined functions are employed to concisely represent the func-
tions. Like pointers of regular data types, function pointers can be included in
the arguments of functions to give compound functions.