188 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics
Running the program prints on the screen:
tulip black $4.99
annual red flower for $6
perennial garden yellow $9.39
Note that a flower uses the flower-classprintfunction, and a rose uses the
To further illustrate this distinction, we endow the flower class with the
void flower::printprice() const
cout <<"PRICE: $"<< price << endl;
and the derived rose class with the same-named function:
void rose::printprice() const
cout << "OUR PRICE: $" << price << endl;
We may then state in the main code:
flower A = flower();
rose W = rose("perennial", "garden", "yellow", 9.39);
Running the code produces on the screen:
PRICE: $4.99
OUR PRICE: $9.39
If we had implemented theprintpricefunction only in the flower class and
not theprintpricefunction in the rose class, the output of the code would
have been:
PRICE: $4.99
PRICE: $9.39