F.1Grammar and syntax 345
+ Plus
- Minus
- Matrix multiplication
.* Array multiplication
^ Matrix power
.^ Array power
kron Kronecker tensor product
\ Backslash or left division
/ Slash or right division
./ Array division
: Colon
() Parentheses
[] Brackets
. Decimal point
.. Parent directory
... Line continuation
, Comma
; Semicolon, used to suppress the screen display
% Indicates that the rest of the line is a comment
! Exclamation point
′ Matrix transpose
′′ Quote
.′ Non-conjugated transpose
= Set equal to
== Equal
∼=1 Not equal
< Less than
<= Less than or equal to
Greater than
= Greater than or equal to
& Logicaland
| Logicalor
~ Logicalnot
xor Logicalexclusive or
i, j Imaginary unit
pi numberπ=3. 14159265358 ...
Table F.1.1Matlaboperators, symbols, special characters, and constants.