3.6 Read from a file and write to a file 73
Parameter Meaning
in Input mode (default for a file of theifstreamclass)
out Output mode (default for a file of theofstreamclass)
binary Binary mode
app If the file exists, data is written at the end (appended)
ate For a new file, data is written at the end
For an existing file, data is written at the current position
(same as app but we can write anywhere)
trunc If the file exists, delete the old content (same as out)
noreplace If the file exists, do not open
nocreate If the file does not exist, do not open
Table 3.6.1Open-file parameters for reading data from a file and writing data to
a file.
Qualified open
The general syntax of the open statement is:
dev.open("filename", ios::xxx | ios::yyy | ... | ios:zzz);
wherexxx, yyy, ..., zzzare parameter strings defined in Table 3.6.1.
For example, to open a file namedresults.datfor read and write, we state:
fstream file8;
To check whether a file has been successfully opened, we evaluate the
Boolean variable:
which is true or false. For example, we can state:
if (dev.isopen())
dev << variable1 << variable2;
If the file is not open, the write instructions are bypassed.