Programming and Graphics

(Kiana) #1

78 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics


return 0;

The internal C++ functionrandgenerates random integers ranging from 0 up
to the maximum value ofRANDMAX. Converting these integers to real numbers
and normalizing by the maximum generates the requisite list. The output of
the code is:

1 0.84019
2 0.39438
3 0.78310
4 0.79844
5 0.91165
6 0.98981

Student grades

In the third application, we discuss a code contained in the
that reads student names and grades from filegrades.dat, and prints them nicely
formatted on the screen:

#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

int main()
ifstream file2("grades.dat");

string lastname[201], firstname[201]; // 200 students max
float grade[201][11]; // 10 grades max

int i=1; // assume one student

/*------loop over students----------------*/

while(file2 >> lastname[i]) // read the last name
cout << setw(3) << right << i <<"";

file2 >> firstname[i]; // read the first name

cout << setw(15) << left << lastname[i]+" "+firstname[i] << " ";

int j=1;
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