The China Study by Thomas Campbell

(nextflipdebug5) #1

  • "relative risks for ... monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat ...
    were close to unity"25

Translation: The Nurses' Health Study did not detect a relationship
between these "good" fats and breast cancer risk.

  • "we found no significant associations between intake of meat and
    dairy products and risk of breast cancer"26
    Translation: The Nurses' Heath Study did not detect a relationship
    between meat and dairy consumption and breast cancer risk.

  • "our findings do not support a link between physical activity, in
    late adolescence or in the recent past, and breast cancer risk among
    young adult women"27

Translation: The Nurses' Health Study did not detect a relationship
between exercise and breast cancer risk.

  • "these data are suggestive of only a weak positive association with
    substitution of saturated fat for carbohydrate consumption; none
    of the other types of fat examined was significantly associated with
    breast cancer risk relative to an equivalent reduction in carbohy-
    drate consumption"28

Translation: The Nurses' Health Study detected little or no effect on
breast cancer when women substituted fat for carbohydrates.

  • "selenium intake later in life is not likely to be an important factor
    in the etiology of breast cancer"29

Translation: The Nurses' Health Study did not detect a protective effect
of selenium on breast cancer risk.

  • "these results suggest that fruit and vegetable consumption during
    adulthood is not significantly associated with reduced breast can-
    cer risk"30

Translation: The Nurses' Health Study did not detect a relationship
between fruits and vegetables and breast cancer risk.
So there it is, readers. Breast cancer risk does not rise with increased
intakes of fat, meat, dairy or saturated fat. Breast cancer is not prevented

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