The China Study by Thomas Campbell

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gen products to bind to DNA, which allow more mutagenic reactions
that give rise to cancer cells, which allow more rapid growth of tumors
once they are initially formed. Data show that a diet based on animal-
based foods increases a female's production of reproductive hormones
over her lifetime, which may lead to breast cancer. We now have a deep
and broad range of evidence showing that a whole foods, plant-based diet is
best for cancer.
Never before have we had technology to measure the biomarkers
associated with diabetes, and the evidence to show that blood sugar,
blood cholesterol and insulin levels improve more with a whole foods,
plant-based diet than with any other treatment. Intervention studies
show that Type 2 diabetics treated with a whole foods, plant-based diet
may reverse their disease and go off their medications. A broad range of
international studies shows that Type 1 diabetes, a serious autoimmune
disease, is related to cow's milk consumption and premature weaning.
We now know how our autoimmune system can attack our own bod-
ies through a process of molecular mimicry induced by animal proteins
that find their way into our bloodstream. We also have tantalizing
evidence linking multiple sclerosis with animal food consumption, and
especially dairy consumption. Dietary intervention studies have shown
that diet can help slow, and perhaps even halt, multiple sclerosis. We
now have a deep and broad range of evidence showing that a whole foods,
plant-based diet is best for diabetes and autoimmune diseases.
Never before have we had such a broad range of evidence showing that
diets containing excess animal protein can destroy our kidneys. Kidney
stones arise because the consumption of animal protein creates excessive
calcium and oxalate in the kidney. We know now that cataracts and age-
related macular degeneration can be prevented by foods containing large
amounts of antioxidants. In addition, research has shown that cognitive
dysfunction, vascular dementia caused by small strokes and Alzheimer's
are all related to the food we eat. Investigations of human populations
show that our risk of hip fracture and osteoporosis is made worse by di-
ets high in animal-based foods. Animal protein leeches calcium from the
bones by creating an acidic environment in the blood. We now have a deep
and broad range of evidence showing that a whole foods, plant-based diet is
best for our kidneys, bones, eyes and brains.
More research can and should be done, but the idea that whole foods,
plant-based diets can protect against and even treat a wide variety of
chronic diseases can no longer be denied. No longer are there just a few
people making claims about a plant-based diet based on their personal

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