Index • 391
Begin, Menachim, 323–25
behaviorism, 123
beliefs. Seereligious beliefs
Bell, Daniel, 225, 236
Benjamin, Jessica, 196
Benjamin, Walter, 148
academic career, 101
Arcade Project, 83–84, 85, 86
on authoritarian principle as the norm
of capitalism, 137
on capitalism as religion, 135
hashish use, 17
on historical materialism and
theology, 2
inverse cipher theology, 65, 68, 71, 83,
Passagen Werk,84, 87
secular discipleship, 101
on socialism, 246
“Theses on the Philosophy of
History,” 135
Berger, Peter, 243–44, 345, 346
Bible, 324
biblical history, conflict approach to, 5
Bin Laden, Osama, 326, 329
Black Plague, 181
Bloch, Ernst, 5, 25, 205, 210
and class antagonism, 211
hashish use, 17
hope as intrinsic human quality, 333
humanism, 63
interpretation of kingdom of God,
thinking as transcending, 106
Boniface, Saint, 235
Borhgeses, 305
Bourdieu, Pierre, 246
Brecht, Bertolt, 77, 84, 103
British-Chinese conflict, 16
British imperialism, 296
Brittain, Christopher, 4
Britts, Bryana, 326
Bruce, Steve, 162, 166–67
Buchanan, James, 225
Bush, G. W., 98, 340
Byron, Lord Gordon, 17
Byzantine Empire, 235, 240, 241, 242
Cairo, 302, 307
Caliphate. SeeIslamic Caliphate;
Ottoman Caliphate
call-response interactions, 271
Campbell, Martha, 6, 32
and asceticism, 295
Benjamin on, 135, 137
class system imperative for the
maximization of profit, 147
and crisis of legitimacy in early
twentieth century, 290
globalizing, 149
inherent antagonistic nature of, 135
and instrumental rationality, 336
Marx on, 51–57, 316
and opium use, 22
production system, 46–47, 124
and rational choice theory, 226
on capitalist production, 46–48
critique of political economy, 49–57
on the market as a place of boundless
desire, 46
reproduces narrative structure of
Inferno,31, 44, 45–51
standard reading of, 31–33
as a Virgilian guide to his readers, 38
Carnevale, 235
Carter, Jimmy, 96
Carver, Terrell, 32, 34, 55, 57
castration anxiety, 328
Castro, fidel, 96, 98
Catholic missions, 28
Catholic orthodoxy, 93
censorship, effects of upon Marx’s
presentation in the 1859 Preface, 39
Center for Strategic and International
Studies, 325
Chadwick, Edwin
Report on the Sanitary Condition of the
Labouring Population, 13
Chaldeans, 211
charisma and tradition, as antagonistic
forces, 210
Charismatic Christians, 263
charismatic leadership, 291
charnel house, 181
Chavez, Hugo, 95, 96, 98
Confucianism did not pose barriers
to science or rational commerce,
public support for independence and
modernization, 296–97
Christian Byzantium, 240
Christian Europe
constitutionalism, 308
preconditions for democratic
governance, 312
Christian/Evangelical Right, 4
rise of, 287
in U.S. society, 136
Christian Gnosticism, 224