(Ann) #1
Index • 401

modernity, 93, 102, 292
conflict of fundamentalism with, 2
diffusion of through globalization, 317
foundational analysis of, 286–87
Habermas on, 200
ideological tensions with orthodoxy
in Islamic world, 311
rise of, and rationality, 288, 292–93
Mogul India, colonization of, 338
Mongol invasion, 305–6
Moore, Barrington, 310
morality, 145–46
More, Thomas, 17
Morgan, John D., 191
Mosaic Decalogue
prohibits killing and, 97
second and third commandments, 65,
66, 74, 79, 100, 130, 140
Moseley, Fred, 32
Moses, 206
Mossadeq, Nafeez, 295, 310
mufti,303–4, 335
Muhammad, 301, 311, 312
Muhammad Abduh, 309
multi-dimensional social action, 239–48
Münzer, Thomas, 173
Murray, Patrick, 32, 58
Muslim Brotherhood, 300
Muslim Middle East, colonization of,
demonized as the arch-enemies of the
American way of life, 89
forced out of Spain, 306
jurists, 303–4
status of women, 314–15
See alsoIslam; Islamic world
mystical theology, 77
mytho-poetic language, 184–85, 195

narcissistic insult, 328
Nash, John Forbes, 4, 153, 227
“Nash-equilibrium,” 155
Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 295, 309, 310
nationalism, 98
National Socialism, 61, 72, 137, 290–91
natural philosophy, 242
Navarino, 306
Nazi Germany, 134, 287
Nazism, 327, 328, 333
Nebuchadnezzar, 211–12
necrophilia, 328, 329
negative dialectics, 70, 129, 131
negative theology, 64–65, 143–45
Neg Hammadi, 232
Nelson, Timothy, 260

neo-colonialization, 295
neoconservative economics, 1, 2, 4, 95,
125, 164, 165, 166
neo-fascism, 61, 95
neo-liberalism, 95, 121, 123, 125, 127
neo-Marxism, 4
neo-modern death, 183–85
autonomy of the dying individual,
“bad death” is one in which the
autonomy of the dying person is
violated, 184
emphasis on the “good death” or
“dying well,” 189
mixture of traditionally divided
public and private spheres, 184
paradoxical return of religion, 190
sacralization amidst desacralized
institutional setting, 190
neo-positivism, 61, 75
New Testament, 219–20, 232
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 11, 113, 219, 220,
289, 330–32, 334
nomos, 243–44
Norris, Pippa, 314–15
Northern Kingdom of Israel, 209
noumena,rejection of, 141
Old Church Hellenistic Constellation, 76
Olson, Mancur, 225, 226
open context awareness, 191, 193
opium, 3, 11
addiction, 13
adulteration of, 16
in Britain, 14
concern with the purity of, 15
expressed ravages of capitalism on
the health and well being of
workers, 22
meaning in 1843, 13–17
as a medicine, 14–16, 26
in medicines for children, 15
in nineteenth century, 12–17, 344
“opium-eating,” 17
opium poets, 17
poisoning, 13
as product of labor squeezed out of
peasant workers, 23
recreational users, 17
relation to cultural and intellectual
life, 16
sold for profit, 26
as a source of “utopian” visions, 14
trade, 13
Opium Wars, 16–17, 23
Orientialism, 324, 339
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