Tune Field-Oriented Controllers for an Asynchronous
Machine Using Closed-Loop PID Autotuner Block
This example shows how to use the Closed-Loop PID Autotuner block to tune Field-
Oriented Control (FOC) for an asynchronous machine (ASM) in just one simulation.
Introduction of Field-Oriented Control
In this example, field-oriented control (FOC) for an asynchronous machine (ASM) is
modeled in Simulink® using Simscape™ Electrical™ components. The model is based on
the Simscape example “Three-Phase Asynchronous Drive with Sensor Control” (Simscape
mdl = 'scdfocasmPIDTuning';
Field-oriented control controls 3-phase stator currents as a vector. FOC is based on
projections, which transform a 3-phase time-dependent and speed-dependent system into
a two coordinate time-invariant system. These transformations are the Clarke
Transformation, Park Transformation, and their respective inverse transforms. These
transformations are implemented as blocks within the Controls subsystem.
Tune Field-Oriented Controllers for an Asynchronous Machine Using Closed-Loop PID Autotuner Block