Simulink Control Design™ - MathWorks

(Tuis.) #1

In this model, the block scdspeed_compdelay/Computational Delay models the
effects of the computational delay. The delay is equal to the sample time of the controller,
which is the worst case. A zero order hold block scdspeed_compdelay/Zero-Order
Hold models the effect of sampling on the response of the system. Finally, the speed
controller (implemented with the PID Controller block) is discretized using a Forward
Euler sampling method.

You can see the effect of the sampling by simulating the response of the system.

First, discretize the controller at Ts = 0.1:

Ts = 0.1;
T2 = simout.time;
Y2 = simout.signals.values;

Next, discretize the controller at a increased sample time Ts = 0.25 seconds:

Ts = 0.25;
T3 = simout.time;
Y3 = simout.signals.values;

The second model is a continuous model.

mdl_continuous = 'scdspeed_contcomp';

Modeling Computational Delay and Sampling Effects
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