Simulate the resulting closed-loop system with a sample time Ts = 0.25. You examine
these results later in this example.
Ts = 0.25;
Td = simout.time;
Yd = simout.signals.values;
Accounting for the Delays and Sampling Continuous Time Domain
As a second approach, redesign the controller with the continuous equivalents of the unit
delay and zero order hold.
Set the zero order hold dynamics
on the block scdspeed_compdelay/Zero-Order Hold by right clicking on the block
and select Linear Analysis->Specify Linearization. The following block dialog opens to
specify the zero-order hold dynamics.
Also, specify the linearization as a zero order hold scdspeed_compdelay/Zero-Order
Hold with continuous representation. The following code is equivalent to entering these
specifications into the specification dialog.
zohblk = 'scdspeed_compdelay/Zero-Order Hold';
rep = struct('Specification','(1-ss(1,''InputDelay'',Ts))*ss(0,1,1,0)/Ts',...
9 Classical Control Design