TipTo highlight any selected signal in the Simulink model, click. To remove a signal
from the input or output list, click. When you have selected multiple signals, you can
reorder them using and. For more information on how to specify signal locations
for a tuning goal, see “Specify Goals for Interactive Tuning” on page 10-39.
Initial Signal Selection
Select the input signal shape for the transient response you want to constrain in Control
System Tuner.
- Impulse — Constrain the response to a unit impulse.
- Step — Constrain the response to a unit step. Using Step is equivalent to using a
Step Tracking Goal. - Ramp — Constrain the response to a unit ramp, u = t.
- Other — Constrain the response to a custom input signal. Specify the custom input
signal by entering a transfer function (tf or zpkmodel) in the Use impulse response
of filter field. The custom input signal is the response of this transfer function to a
unit impulse.
This transfer function represents the Laplace transform of the desired custom input
signal. For example, to constrain the transient response to a unit-amplitude sine wave
of frequency w, enter tf(w,[1,0,w^2]). This transfer function is the Laplace
transform of sin(wt).
The transfer function you enter must be continuous, and can have no poles in the open
right-half plane. The series connection of this transfer function with the reference
system for the desired transient response must have no feedthrough term.
Desired Transient Response
Specify the reference system for the desired transient response as a dynamic system
model, such as a tf, zpk, or ss model. The Transient Goal constrains the system
response to closely match the response of this system to the input signal you specify in
Initial Signal Selection.
Enter the name of the reference model in the MATLAB workspace in the Reference
Model field. Alternatively, enter a command to create a suitable reference model, such as
10 Control System Tuning