- Inject disturbances at the following locations
Select one or more signal locations in your model at which to measure the disturbance
attenuation. To constrain a SISO response, select a single-valued location. For
example, to attenuate disturbance at a location named 'y', click Add signal to
list and select 'y'. To constrain a MIMO response, select multiple signals or a vector-
valued signal.
- Evaluate disturbance rejection with the following loops open
Select one or more signal locations in your model at which to open a feedback loop for
the purpose of evaluating this tuning goal. The tuning goal is evaluated against the
open-loop configuration created by opening feedback loops at the locations you
identify. For example, to evaluate the tuning goal with an opening at a location named
'x', click Add signal to list and select 'x'.
TipTo highlight any selected signal in the Simulink model, click. To remove a signal
from the input or output list, click. When you have selected multiple signals, you can
reorder them using and. For more information on how to specify signal locations
for a tuning goal, see “Specify Goals for Interactive Tuning” on page 10-39.
Rejection Performance
Specify the minimum disturbance attenuation as a function of frequency.
Enter a SISO numeric LTI model whose magnitude represents the desired attenuation
profile as a function of frequency. For example, you can specify a smooth transfer function
(tf, zpk, or ss model). Alternatively, you can sketch a piecewise minimum disturbance
rejection using an frd model. When you do so, the software automatically maps the
profile to a smooth transfer function that approximates the desired minimum disturbance
rejection. For example, to specify an attenuation factor of 100 (40 dB) below 1 rad/s, that
gradually drops to 1 (0 dB) past 10 rad/s, enter frd([100 100 1 1],[0 1 10 100]).
If you are tuning in discrete time, you can specify the attenuation profile as a discrete-
time model with the same sampling time as you use for tuning. If you specify the
attenuation profile in continuous time, the tuning software discretizes it. Specifying the
attenuation profile in discrete time gives you more control over the profile near the
Nyquist frequency.
10 Control System Tuning