Simulink Control Design™ - MathWorks

(Tuis.) #1

  • Track setpoint changes in theta, phi, and r with zero steady-state error, specified
    rise times, minimal overshoot, and minimal cross-coupling.

  • Limit the control bandwidth to guard against neglected high-frequency rotor dynamics
    and measurement noise.

  • Provide strong multivariable gain and phase margins (robustness to simultaneous
    gain/phase variations at the plant inputs and outputs).

The systune command can jointly tune the controller blocks SOF and the PI controllers
to meet these design requirements. The slTuner interface sets up this tuning task.

Create the slTuner interface.

ST0 = slTuner('rct_helico',{'PI1','PI2','PI3','SOF'});

This command initializes the slTuner interface with the three PI controllers and the SOF
block designated as tunable. Each tunable block is automatically parameterized according
to its type and initialized with its value in the Simulink model.

To configure the slTuner interface, designate as analysis points any signal locations of
relevance to your design requirements. First, add the outputs and reference inputs for the
tracking requirements.


When you create a TuningGoal.Tracking object that captures the tracking
requirement, this object references the same signals.

Configure the slTuner interface for the stability margin requirements. Designate as
analysis points the plant inputs and outputs (control and measurement signals) where the
stability margins are measured.


Display a summary of the slTuner interface configuration in the command window.


slTuner tuning interface for "rct_helico":

4 Tuned blocks: (Read-only TunedBlocks property)

Block 1: rct_helico/PI1

Create and Configure slTuner Interface to Simulink Model
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