Plant Models for Gain-Scheduled Controller Tuning
Gain scheduling is a control approach for controlling a nonlinear plant. To tune a gain-
scheduled control system, you need a collection of linear models that approximate the
nonlinear dynamics near selected design points. Generally, the dynamics of the plant are
described by nonlinear differential equations of the form:
x ̇=fx,u,σ
Here, x is the state vector, u is the plant input, and y is the plant output. These nonlinear
differential equations can be known explicitly for a particular system. More commonly,
they are specified implicitly, such as by a Simulink model.
You can convert these nonlinear dynamics into a family of linear models that describe the
local behavior of the plant around a family of operating points (x(σ),u(σ)), parameterized
by the scheduling variables, σ. Deviations from the nominal operating condition are
defined as:
δx=x−xσ, δu=u−uσ.
These deviations are governed, to first order, by linear parameter-varying dynamics:
δ ̇x=Aσδx+Bσδu,δy=Cσδx+Dσδu,
Aσ =∂f
xσ,uσ Bσ =∂f
Cσ =
xσ,uσ Dσ =
This continuum of linear approximations to the nonlinear dynamics is called a linear
parameter-varying (LPV) model:
The LPV model describes how the linearized plant dynamics vary with time, operating
condition, or any other scheduling variable. For example, the pitch axis dynamics of an
aircraft can be approximated by an LPV model that depends on incidence angle, α, air
speed, V, and altitude, h.
11 Gain-Scheduled Controllers