Trim Plant at Design Points
Suppose that you want to control this plant at a range of Cr values from 4 to 8. Trim the
model to find steady-state operating points for a set of values in this range. These values
are the design points for tuning.
Cr = (4:8)'; % concentrations
for k=1:length(Cr)
opspec = operspec(mdl_OL);
% Set desired residual concentration
opspec.Outputs(1).y = Cr(k);
opspec.Outputs(1).Known = true;
% Compute equilibrium condition
[op(k),report(k)] = findop(mdl_OL,opspec,findopOptions('DisplayReport','off'));
op is an array of steady-state operating points. For more information about steady-state
operating points, see “About Operating Points” on page 1-3.
Linearize at Design Points
Linearizing the plant model using op returns an array of LTI models, each linearized at
the corresponding design point.
G = linearize(mdl_OL,'rct_CSTR_OL/CSTR',op);
11 Gain-Scheduled Controllers