with Kp = 14.4, Ki = 1.97
Name: PI_V
Continuous-time PI controller in parallel form.
Block 3: rct_distillation/DM =
D =
u1 u2
y1 1 -0.7921
y2 1.226 -1
Name: DM
Static gain.
Equivalent Workflow in MATLAB
If you do not have a Simulink model of the control system, you can use LTI objects and
Control Design blocks to create a MATLAB representation of the following block diagram.
Figure 2: Block Diagram of Control System
First parameterize the tunable elements using Control Design blocks. Use the
tunableGain object to parameterize DM and fix DM(1,1)=1 and DM(2,2)=-1. This
creates a 2x2 static gain with the off-diagonal entries as tunable parameters.
DM = tunableGain('Decoupler',diag([1 -1]));
DM.Gain.Free = [false true;true false];
12 Loop-Shaping Design